
Module:WikidataIB getLabel tests vajehta

Careful -- missing labels fallback to et or en.

  • d:Q17278 ringjoon //no label in vep: defaults to the Estonian (et) label. BAD
  • d:Q429281 Renata Dancewicz //no label in vep: defaults to the Estonian (et) label. BAD
  • d:Q14810090 Jiangguantun Subdistrict //no label in vep or et. Defaults to English. Not great if not configurable
  • d:Q29162180 Q29162180 //no label in vep, et or en. Only French is available, but ignored. Not great if not configurable
  • d:Q106034737 In Red Moon //only vep label extsts: selects vep. OK
  • d:Q5 ristit //both et and vep labels extst: vep is selected ("inimene" in Estonian). OK

Where is this vep > et > en fallback hierarchy defined?

Testing Module:Wikidata_label syntax from Commons with vepwiki's Moodul:Wikidata label{{#invoke:Wikidata label|sitelinks |item=Q2 |project=vepwiki }} vajehta

Great -- does not fallback to other languages.

  • d:Q17278 ' //no label in vep'.
  • d:Q429281 ' //no label in vep'.
  • d:Q14810090 ' //no label in vep' or et.
  • d:Q29162180 ' //no label in vep', et or en.
  • d:Q106034737 In Red Moon //only vep label extsts: should select vep.
  • d:Q5 Ristit //both et and vep labels extst: vep should be selected ("inimene" in Estonian).

Šablon:Label (default local lang with fallback) vajehta

Šablon:Label (explicitly vep, but still uses fallback languages) vajehta

Module:Wikidata tests vajehta

Testing nofallback {{wikidata|label|Q17278}} vajehta

  • d:Q17278 Q17278 //no label in vep.
  • d:Q429281 Q429281 //no label in vep.
  • d:Q14810090 Q14810090 //no label in vep or et.
  • d:Q29162180 Q29162180 //no label in vep, et or en.
  • d:Q106034737 Q106034737 //only vep label extsts: should select vep.
  • d:Q5 Q5 //both et and vep labels extst: vep should be selected ("inimene" in Estonian).

Testing Module:Wikidata syntax from Commons with vepwiki's Moodul:Wikidata (old copy from ruwiki){{#invoke:Wikidata|getLabel|entity=Q42|link=wikidata|lang=ja}} vajehta

  • Skriptitõrge: Funktsioon "getLabel" puudub.

vepwiki uses ruwiki's old Module:Wikidata code, so there is no "getLabel"; trying "getLabelWithLang" instead. vajehta

  • Skriptitõrge: Funktsioon "getLabelWithLang" puudub.

Testing Module:Wikidata syntax from Commons with vepwiki's Moodul:WikidataCommons{{#invoke:WikidataCommons|getLabel|entity=Q42|link=wikidata|lang=ja}} vajehta

  • Lua tõrge kohal package.lua 80. real: module 'Module:Complex date' not found.

Testing nofallback {{wikidata|title|Q17278}} vajehta

  • d:Q17278 Q17278 //no label in vep.
  • d:Q429281 Q429281 //no label in vep.
  • d:Q14810090 Q14810090 //no label in vep or et.
  • d:Q29162180 Q29162180 //no label in vep, et or en.
  • d:Q106034737 Q106034737 //only vep label extsts: should select vep.
  • d:Q5 Q5 //both et and vep labels extst: vep should be selected ("inimene" in Estonian).

Šablon:10k TODO vajehta

   {{10k|Q17278}}                     //Šablon:10k
   d:Q17278 (ru:Б, en:Circle)         //old
   d:Q17278 (ru:Окружность en:Circle)  //new
  • Russian and English labels can be pulled automatically from Wikidata.
  • TODO: Šablon:10k could check if Veps article exists.
    • if 1: AsdfasdfQ17278
    • if 0: d:Q17278
      • Check if Veps label exists on Wikidata.
   {{10k|Q11500|???}}                              //Šablon:10k
   Pinduz vai Pind (pinduz) (ru:Площадь, en:Area)  //old
   ?                                               //new
  • It needs to be possible to provide multiple inputs manually (for future articles/redirects in Veps)
   {{10k|Q206049|alias=y}}                         //Šablon:10k
   Äikerdoičendan tablut vai Pifagoran tablut (ru:Таблица умножения vai ru:Таблица Пифагора, en:Multiplication table vai en:Times table)
   ?                                               //new
  • Needs to be able to output ru and en aliases from Wikidata, for which redirects need to be created on vepwiki. And expect multiple labels in Veps
  • Should it be the default with an optional opt-out, or should redirects be handled on a separate page?

Template shorthand tests vajehta

Šablon:A •Šablon:B •Šablon:C •Šablon:D •Šablon:E •Šablon:F •Šablon:G •Šablon:H •Šablon:I •Šablon:J •({{{1}}}) •Šablon:L •Šablon:M •Šablon:N •Šablon:O •{{{1}}} •Šablon:Q •Šablon:R •Šablon:S •

 •Šablon:U •Šablon:V •Šablon:W •Šablon:X •Šablon:Y •